See if your daughter can explain, define, or demonstrate these things:
-what is a pin vs. needle?
-how much thread should you use? (wider than your shoulder-width)
-how much thread should you use? (wider than your shoulder-width)
-how do you sew a running stitch? (make a dashed line)
-how do you sew an anchor stitch? (make a knot with needle)
-how much thread do you need to sew an anchor stitch? (a few inches)
-how much thread do you need to sew an anchor stitch? (a few inches)
-how to knot thread on a needle? near the needle or at the end?
-what does "right sides together" mean for fabric?
-should your stitches be close together or far apart? (closer = nicer looking finished project)
Challenge questions:
-how do you sew a whip stitch? (thread wraps around edge of fabric)
-how do you sew a whip stitch? (thread wraps around edge of fabric)
-how to layer two knots on a threaded needle?
-how do you sew on a button? (more practice with these things later this week!)
Today all the girls did several running stitch practice projects, such as stitching the shape of a flower or heart or the letters of their name. Then they got to choose their own fabric for a pin cushion, which they sewed, stuffed, and some of them decorated.
See you tomorrow for more projects!