Dear friends,
Winter is coming, and that means "Sewing Season" (also known as the holiday season!) is beginning! I'm excited to be embarking on some fun projects of my own, and also to plan lots of fun things to teach to the many kids I hope to see on their days off of school.
I love to use these cold, windy no-school days for hosting sewing camps. I have listed my available camp days, and the times are TBD and completely adaptable to your needs. First and second graders are usually the youngest age that is best for sewing camp, and there is no upper age limit. I can accommodate a small group of younger children if there is interest. More FAQs can be found from reading my website below.
Read all about camps on this page of this blog!
Click here to see my Pinterest board for projects being considered for camps this winter: (some are for beginning, some are intermediate. projects are always geared and adapted based on ability and interest.)
December 17 (half day camp, PM)
Dec 21-25 (winter break)
Dec 28-Jan 1 (winter break)
January 18 (MLK Day)
January 18-22 (Yeshiva break)
January 28 (half day camp, PM)
Feb 15 (President's Day)
February 25 (half day camp, PM)
Please let me know if your family is looking for plans during any of these dates. Usually we do a several hour or "half day" camp, both morning and afternoon options, but all of it is flexible at this point in my planning. I can also consider a "counselor in training" if there is an older student who needs somewhere to be while Mom and Dad are at work, as they can do an age-appropriate camp in one half of the day, and help me guide younger students in the other session. Groups of kids can sign up together.
I hope we will have many happy campers learning to sew fun things this winter. Be in touch!
All the best,